I am 8.5 weeks pregnant! Much of the exhaustion is gone thanks to the prenatal vitamins. Dan and I have been talking about not finding out what gender this baby will be. We think the anticipation will all but kill us, but we are going to try to resist! After all, there's lots of cute gender-neutral baby stuff out there, right? We've also been kicking around some ideas on how to make room for baby. Sure, we live in a four bedroom house so you would think that we have tons of room. Eh, not really. This week, I will be boxing up the sewing room some and trying to carve out some space in the diningroom. (So keep an eye on the Up For Swap section, it will be growing!) We'd like to make the sewing room (a small 8x9) the new play room for our Monkey's growing toy collection. By doing this, we hope that her bedroom will stay neater and be more manageable. Then, our fourth bedroom that is currently used for storage, will become baby's room. Busy, busy, busy.... The perfect pace for right now.
On a personal note, I am excited about how this here blog will transform throughout the pregnancy and in the not-so-distant future. I will feel like I can include happenings around the house now because after all, the green room will stay green but will serve the purpose of a play room.
Yesterday, life felt complicated. Today, it wasn't so bad. Tomorrow, who knows?
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